The artist about herself:
'I have enjoyed dabbling and daubing since childhood. I took up painting on a more serious scale in 1985 and dared to start entering my work in shows. I am now totally hooked! If I don’t do something ‘arty’ at least a couple of days a week I get snappy!!
My work is influenced by a love of the environment and country life. I am attracted to subjects in the first instance by the way light interacts with the surroundings and I am challenged to capture atmosphere in my landscape work. It is the main thing I examine when choosing a subject. I also attempt to interpret subjects differently by looking at them from unusual angles. My subjects are varied and unrestricted ranging from animals, landscapes, figurative, portraiture, life drawing and still life.
Much of my earlier work was executed in oils. I also occasionally use watercolour and enjoy working with pencil and charcoal. However, pastel has emerged as my medium of choice. I enjoy the versatility, vibrancy and immediacy of pastel and the effects that can be achieved by blending the colours together and by ‘scumbling’ one colour over another. No drying time and no clean-up of equipment is an added bonus! I also enjoy the level of control which is possible with this medium.
My work hangs in numerous public spaces in the Seymour and Heathcote area. I was honoured to be made a Life Member of Seymour & District Art Society in 2002, and to be named ‘Artist of the Year’ in 2003, 2007 and 2018. I am a member of the Pastel Society of Victoria, a former member of the Australian Guild of Realist artists, and I have served as a member of the Mitchell Shire Arts Advisory Committee. I was most honoured to receive an Australia Day Award from the Shire of Mitchell in 2006 for ‘services to art’.
